Finally, I got my hands on this super stylish Gozney Roccbox pizza oven, so excited! What a BEAST!
This oven is small & really light, so super easy to carry around!
Also, it’s ready to bake a proper Neapolitan style pizza out of the box. All you need to do is take it out of the box, open the legs and attach the detachable gas burner. Yes, that’s it! Like I said it’s small so it's super easy to place it on a small table as well.

Perfect for whatever weather conditions
It was pretty windy that day but it reached around 430°C in the middle of the stone within 35 minutes. I made 3 pizzas… the first one was more well done but all of them were just perfect and delicious! Even though it was windy, there were no problems with the flames, they were full on fire and performed really well.
This is because the entrance of the oven is small so the flame is protected from the wind while you still have enough space to launch your pizza and see how it bakes. There is enough space inside the oven to rotate your #pizza and lift it as well. It’s perfect for 10 -11” pizzas.

Perfect Neapolitan style pizza in 60s
I did my first turn after around 25s followed by a couple more turns and my pizza was done. Perfectly baked bottom with no burnt edges and a nicely baked top.
This took only 60s!
What's in the box?
Everything you need to get started:
Portable stone floored pizza oven
Professional grade pizza peel
Detachable gas burner
Bottle opener
*Roccbox Wood Burner 2.0 detachable wood burner (dual fuel option only)

It’s super stylish & easy to set-up
Perfect for Neapolitan style pizza
No oven doors
Short preheating time
Insanely great isolation, the outside of the oven remained safe to touch all the time
5 years warranty!
You’re limited with max 12” size pizza so you’ll need to gain some experience for launching and rotating
You’ll need to adjust the fire If it’s on for a long time & you’re not launching pizza after pizza to cool down the stone, because it will get very hot.
Overall it’s a great oven at an affordable price. I would definitely recommend it! Nice one #Gozney
Video of me baking my first Sourdough pizza using GOZNEY ROCCBOX.